In our sweet Daisy’s name, who sadly passed few moths ago from cancer, we are starting a “Daisy Berkowitz Fund “ that will benefit medical dogs and hospice dogs with large growths.
Duke who is named in honor of Daisy would be the first dog to benefit from this fund and we are hoping to raise a sufficient amount to cover his surgery.
Please send good thoughts and if you are in a position consider making a donation.
Medical dogs don’t have a lot of opportunity for a second chance.
We would love to be able to give it to Duke and other dogs that so much need and deserve it.
When we received a call from a friend and rescuer to help Daisy, a dog with a huge tumor on her face, belly and leg we found our selves in a pickle. We have no space for new intakes and 80% of our rescued dogs are either medics or nursing moms as you can imagine our bills are running high, but we couldn’t let this dog suffer any longer than she already did. We felt it is our duty to help her so we did. Daisy was rescued from a hoarding situation one morning and was immediately took to see our vet. After we found out more about the nature of the tumor on her face and vet made the assessment of her health and created a treatment plan we knew we would need what most likely looked like another HOSPICE foster. This meant that Daisy might have to stay with us until the rest of her life.
She was diagnosed with a mammary tumor, tumor on her back leg and one on her face. The great news was that the vet would be able to remove all three tumors the very next day.
Daisy got so much needed bath and all the nasty ticks were removed off of her body. Soon she was feeling so much better. Despite all pain and discomfort Daisy showed nothing but kindness and love. She couldn’t stop kissing everyone. Unfortunately, her condition was worse than we thought. Daisy’s tumor was growing back. Nothing to do per doctor.
We decided that we are not going to tell her she is sick and her divine foster would continue to spoil her until the end ( as you can see she got her new Barkin bag ). Life is strange and can be difficult but we can always make the best out of if. Dogs live in a moment and if that moment is beautiful then that is all there is. Daisy’s was filled with love and care she never knew existed. Even though it was a short moment we are grateful for it.
This was one of those times that we hate writing but are an inevitable part of the rescue story.
Daisy went back to see Dr.Cola and the news was really bad. The cancer spread out everywhere and at that point, we were talking about days. Daisy, of course, knew nothing about this and we were keeping it that way. We told her that she was going out for cupcakes with her GD mother. She was so happy. Her most wonderful foster mom would continue to spoil her until the last breath. Even though this is sad news we tried keeping it light in the name of Daisy’s amazing spirit and always loving nature. She would have never known the love and care like this. Even for a short period of time for her was the only thing she would ever remember.
We were planning to make that week an extra special for Daisy.
In the following week Daisy’s health was deteriorating. She stopped eating and drinking. It was time. The doctor told us that it is a matter of days as the cancer spread everywhere and the fear was that she will be in a lot of pain. The doctor was called to come to her foster home and Daisy left in the arms of her loved ones. As quietly as she came into our lives. This was a tough one. Daisy was such a special dog. It was obvious to everyone who ever met her that she was full of light and had lots of love to give. Daisy loved sunshine, beach, waves, long walks, prime ribs, doggie cupcakes, her new furry brother Ollie and her grandpa but most of all she loved her foster forever mom Barb who have her the best few months any dog could ever ask for.
Daisy hospice Barbara Berkovitz who ended up being Daisy’s forever mom took her into her loving family home and gave Daisy the best time of her life. It takes a person with an incredible heart to take in a sick dying animal and love them till the end.
Without Barbara Daisy would have never know what true kindness and love are. We are forever grateful for that beautiful act of selflessness and kindness.
We loved her so much and are grateful that she was in our care surrounded by people that cared for her.
Rest In Peace sweet girl. 5/28/2020 – Thank you for choosing and trusting us to care for you
Daisy continues to live in our hearts and through our Daisy Berkovitz Fund that will help many dogs with similar health issues. Thank you for supporting the ones that need us the most.
What can you do?
You can make sure others like her get the treatment they deserve and live their lives to the fullest. You can donate and share her story. You can be a part of Daisy’s legacy. #doitfordaisy